handle agricultural waste

Agricultural runoff is waste produced from various farm activities , including livestock dung and other waste from farms , poultry and slaughterhouses ; Waste harvests ; Runoff of fertilizer from the field ; Pesticides that go into water, air or soil ; Salt and mud are flowing from the meaning of the fields .

 How waste farming is treated :
1. Made compost fertilizer
Agricultural waste , which can be used as a compost for straw and chaff of rice , weeds , stems and corncobs , all vegetation , banana stems and coir coir .

2. Made biogas
Biogas isa gas produced by anaerobic or fermentation from organic materials such as human and animal waste or agricultural waste remains . It says anaerobic activity because the bacterial decomposition of organic materials occurs in airtight or without air or without oxygen .

3. Became a growing medium
One form of agricultural waste that could be used as a growing crop of charcoal husks . The charcoal chaff is a chaff of rice straw that has been burned with imperfect burning .

4. bioremediation
Simply bioremediation can be said to be a biological process of decomposing organic /anorganic pollutants in a controlled condition . This breakdown USES microorganisms to reduce pollutants in the environment .

5. To recycle
Recycling is a process that transforms waste into new products . This could be done by preventing waste from potentially untreated materials , reducing fresh raw materials consumption .

6. Arson ( inciniration )
Burning is the modern and most hygienic method of waste disposal . It is widely used in western countries , such as the United States , Britain , and so forth . And in India this method was gradually gaining popularity especially in big cities . This method involves burning dry garbage in the incinerator .

7. Using nitrogen sensors
Enhanced use of n - sensors : knowing the optifying use of nitrogen fertilizer in a field ; Maximizing efficiency of fertilizer ; Reducing nitrogen residue in the soil after harvesting ; Reduce the risk of losing nitrogen to the environment .

8. Raising awareness
Raising community awareness , especially farmers , including the unforgettable efforts to manage good and proper agricultural waste they could wisely with generated agricultural waste . All that can only be accomplished with an act that begins with yourself .

Lidia Fitri Anggraeni (16)
X - OTKP 1


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  2. Materi yang disampaikan singkat namun jelas. Dan juga isi materi tersampaikan dengan baik. Terima kasih!

  3. Terimah kasih artikel nya sngat bermanfaat

  4. Sangat bagus artikelnya dan bermanfaat

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  6. Artikelnya bagus, penjelasannya mudah ditangkap

  7. Segi pembuatan artikelnya baguss, dan juga dari segi jumlah juga singkat tapi jelas kok, cuman dari segi bahasa ada yang masih padat, tapi bermanfaat kok,. membantu banget buat menambah ilmu pengetahuan kita.
    Terimakasih Lidia Fitri Anggraeni untuk artikel dan teori nya, sangat bermanfaat

  8. Artikelnya sangat bagus dan mudah dimengerti

  9. artikel nya bagus , kalimat nya mudah dimengerti && sgt bermanfaat sekali , terima kasih

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  11. Nicee!!! sangat bermanfaat , thx u

  12. Artikelnya bagus & bermanfaat terima kasih

  13. Thanks min, materinya bermanfaat banget👍👍👍

  14. Bagus hyung👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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  16. artikelnya bagus, penjelasannya mudah dipahami

  17. artikelnya bagus dan mudah dipahami

  18. sangat bermanfaat dan mudah dipahami

  19. sangat bermanfaat dan bagus artikelnya


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